almost bon voyage
dew on the lawn
sun streaming in the windows
the trees are perfectly still
hummingbird at the window
we're all waiting
waiting for the crew to arrive
and shatter the tranquility
with a barrage of hammers
and nail guns
yesterday i said goodbye to pleasantry lane
version 2.0
today it's the beginning of
version 3.0
of course i'm a little sad
because i'm a sentimentalist
but my anticipation for better things to come
far surpasses that feeling
i was on TV last night
footage coming soon
i first met host gordon keith
way back in the early 90's
when he used to play in a band called
the hemingways
they were very XTC influenced
i've always liked XTC
we were instant friends
he was always a really funny guy
even way back then
in the "dark ages"
so it was good seeing him again
and it was strange
but fun
to be on TV
G money was a perfect gentleman
and he even snuck on there for a few moments
if you watch the guy fake crying
(take a look behind him at the cute kid!)
i gotta say i'm still riding the high
of last week's cd release show
it was the best one i've ever done
in all these years
with all the glowing press
and nice reviews
i feel like it's the perfect way
to say
hasta la vista texas
i feel better than ever
europe is just around the bend
Salim, glad it went so well for both the TV appearance & cd release! Congrats!!
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